We have two services on a Sunday, at 10.45am and 6pm. On Sunday mornings we run Sunday School before the service (10:00-10:30) for primary school age children and we also run a group for secondary school age children that meets at the same time.
In both services adults and children worship together. For the morning service we provide colour-in sheets themed around the passage for that morning. In the morning we also provide a creche for nursery age children and have an area for parents to sit and play with their babies and toddlers during the service at the back of church.
We encourage as many as possible to come to the evening service as well as the morning service and we encourage families to bring their children in the evenings too! The evenings tend to follow more of a doctrinal theme. The teaching is still expositional but we will look at topics (e.g. Repentance, Ethics) or look at the Reformed catechisms such as the Heidelberg Catechism and the Westminster Shorter Catechism.
Everything we do on a Sunday morning revolves around God’s Word, the Bible. So we read God’s Word, we sing God’s Word, we pray God’s Word, we preach God’s Word, and we taste and see God’s Word in the Lord’s Supper and baptism. We try and structure the whole service around the story of the gospel, and also sing a mixture of contemporary worship songs, hymns and psalms throughout. We hope you’ll feel a warm welcome on Sunday mornings whatever you believe, and whether it’s your first visit or fiftieth!
Tea and coffee are served before and after the morning service and after the evening service.
Children are a vital part of the family at Christ Church, and we love having them with us to worship. Many of our children stay in for the whole service, but we also provide a manned creche during the sermon in the morning.
Before the morning service, we run Sunday School from 10-10.30am for anyone from age 3-15 (divided up into groups by age).